Protective Covenants

Carriage Hills has several sets of protective covenants on file with Larimer County, one set for each of the sections added to Carriage Hills.  In some cases more than one section was included in a filing. Most of the covenants are essentially the same, with the exception that horses are allowed in sections 1, 2, 3 and 8. Sections 6 and 7 were annexed by the Town and have somewhat different covenants. Sanborn Acres is outside the jurisdiction of the CHPOA covenants. This Carriage Hills Map shows the boundaries of each section. Note: Covenants apply to all Carriage Hills properties, whether or not the owners are members of the Carriage Hills Property Owners Association.

 CHPOA Protective Covenants Filing 1  —  Western Carriage Hills

CHPOA Protective Covenants Filing 2 — Northwestern Carriage Hills

CHPOA Protective Covenants Filing 3 — Northcentral Carriage Hills

 CHPOA Protective Covenants Filing 4 — Northeastern Carriage Hills

 CHPOA Protective Covenants Filing 5  — Southeastern and southcentral Carriage Hills

 CHPOA Protective Covenants Filing 6 — Larkspur Avenue area

CHPOA Protective Covenants Filing 7 — North of the Scott Ponds open space

 CHPOA Protective Covenants Filing 8  — Along Saddleback Lane and southern Fish Creek Road.

Related Documents

CHPOA Nuisance Resolution 23 April 2024

CHPOA Architectural Guidelines Clarification 23 April 2024